Life is Embrace
Life is Release
And then add thousands of tiny details, millions of variables and a few good relationships and you have quite the story to tell.
My fourth born was born 1/15/25 - what a time of celebration!
The journey of fatherhood continues, and the spirit of the father moves through me. In fact, I love this stage in the journey. My son’s belly is full, eyes closed, snuggling with his blanket while I write.
There are so many more stages, as any father can share. Fatherhood, like life, is really a choice to either embrace the moment or release it. Now, I’m embracing my son, for he is small, helpless, needy. But there will come a day, where I release him.
Case in point, my teenager is learning to drive. That is quite the release. I hope I have taught him well, I hope for safety, I hope for adventure.
We need both embrace and release, just like we need both to breath in and out, to work and rest, male and female - the universal principle of duality.
There may come a day when all is absorbed in the great spirit beyond, but while we walk the earth as sojourners, we embrace, we release
Practical matters
Nutrient dense foods - I spend money on good food, mushrooms, shilajit (another fungus) and herbs.
Daily aerobics and calisthenics - not only is it right to be strong, but also to be flexible.
Good smells - oils, tallow, incense, nature. Sometimes I will walk the woods and sniff the ground during prayer. Bowing to the earth, I breath in - I’m pretty sure that’s good for the microbial system in my body.
Games - Dungeons and Dragons keeps my imagination flexible. Since I feel mostly through my imagination (not through my heart), then I should water the imagination daily in order to stay in touch with my feelings. And as a father, I do not put upon my wife and children the burden of my feelings. I do it myself.
These practices are based on principles that, over the years, I have adopted as my own. They work for me in my life.
But overall - I am THANKFUL. For a healthy wife, a healthy son, a healthy family.
May this story continue…
OMG! So adorable!! Many congrats, and sending lots of love and good vibes! 💜 -KateZ