Hello Sojourners!
You are probably busy with your various tabletop roleplaying games. Did you realize that summer is upon us?
On my walk yesterday, I noticed the heat of the sun upon my skin. Being bald, I have a little more skin surface than the rest of you. Nevertheless, I thought about something while basking in the heat of the day.
In order for the gift of an experience to occur, we need both a deliverable and a way to receive. Gifts, such as sunlight, require the sunlight and also a way to receive the sunlight. I’m thinking of the many receptors upon my skin that convert the energy from this overwhelmingly large star into vitamins my body can use for playing games.
We can notice this pattern everywhere - for music to occur, we must have both a sound and an ear. For a fruit to bloom, we must have both a seed and a soil. For love to happen, we must have a word and a receptor for that love.
But what happens if our receptor is not working?
What happens if we roll and roll and roll, but never have an interpretation for the dice to turn into story? What if love abounds, but we never feel it?
It’s a true story that acquaints itself with many broken hearts. And what if a broken heart is simply a heart that no longer can contain love due to its many fissures?
Ways to Send Love
It might sound silly, but I have learned a lot about love through tabletop roleplaying games. When rolling the dice, I am actively participating in the game. When narrating, I am actively participating in the story. I am directing the narrative into a fun game and memorable tale through my words and dice rolls.
In life, I can do the same by considering that while the world is made up of many people, I am the only one to have MY experience. This might sound selfish, but hear me out - I am the only person who will ever be me.
That is a lot of responsibility, and an honor to bear the image of life that is the Jonathan project. I hope I stay awake and do well.
Ways to Receive Love
With that being said, if living my life is a way to send love into the world, how can I receive? I look to another part of my body to help me understand this concept - the lungs.
The lungs both breath in air to cleanse it through the blood and then exhale it to feed the trees. This rhythmic back and forth requires us to see life and love as an endless circle, unbroken throughout time.
The simplest way to receive love is to honor the experience of life that is the Jonathan project. I remember, I narrate, I journal, I feel, I think, I matter.
If the way to send love is through action, the way to receive love is through reflection. Try this and see how not only will you understand love more, but you will also find yourself receiving love from others as well.
Breath out - send love into the world through your energy and action.
Breath in - receive love into the self through your body and reflection.
Healthy cells make up a healthy body and healthy souls make up a healthy family. Send and receive love and upgrade the world around you.
“I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived. I did not wish to live what was not life, living is so dear; nor did I wish to practice resignation, unless it was quite necessary. I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life, to live so sturdily and Spartan-like as to put to rout all that was not life, to cut a broad swath and shave close, to drive life into a corner, and reduce it to its lowest terms...”
― Henry David Thoreau