Join us for a summer of learning tabletop role playing games and see how they promote social interaction, teamwork, critical thinking skills and learning to make your own fun through worldbuilding and storytelling!
There is no better enrichment for a child than interacting with another child
Join us for 11 weeks of tabletop role playing games! Sojourners Awake not only teaches how to use the Index Card RPG game system, but focus on developing our minds and imaginations through
Articulation of Ideas
Confidence in Speaking
Collaboration of Resources
Finding hilarity in dire circumstances
All of this and more can be mined from simply playing tabletop role playing games, not to mention this will be the most memorable 2 hours of your child’s week!
Students are able to join us week by week ($15 a day) or you may join for the entire summer. Parents are free to stay or drop off their students. We will be hosted by Runcible Games during business hours.
Payments can be made weekly through Venmo to our business account
@sojournersawake or one time payment here
Weekly homework assignments will be issued to ensure your student gains as much enrichment as possible from this summer.