The key to earthly pursuits is to do what made the hours pass like minutes as a child” - Carl Jung
Telling stories is like learning how to make your own food. You go from passively receiving entertainment to actively creating it for yourself.
I never wrote a book, but I write a substack. I never starred in a film, but week after week, I tell stories to entertain my neighborhood - all through dice and roleplaying games. I also write songs and covers through soundcloud.
Life is pain. And conflict, and lots of seeking. Life is a story of quest and adventure, and you are the main character or at least the one making all the choices. There is romance, tragedy, passion and war. There are sunrises and rewards as well as darkness and conflict.
As a people, we have told stories around the campfire for thousands of years. After studying through all the stories of life, I perceive a few patterns. These patterns are simple recipes that make up our life’s drama. One of these patterns are contained in tarot cards - or as I like to call them Story of Life Cards. Tarot cards are a lot like Dungeons and Dragons in that they help us make sense of life through game play.
Tarot is NOT fortune telling or magic - at least not the way I do it. Just like when I’m writing stories, I ask a question, lay down a card and use it as a prompt for to generate my answer.
Sometimes in life, we are lost, and don’t even know the questions to ask, much less if we can see the answers. But tarot, or story cards acts like a movie script to help us come to a realization of our own lives - it doesn’t remove choice, but helps us understand the choices we make.
I present to you an offer. Let me soothe your conflict and pain by reading your story. I see you as the hero in your own journey and, as a guide, I want to help you get to where you are going - whatever your quest.
“Who do I need to be to attract a mate?”
“What do I need to focus on during this season?”
“Where will I find happiness?”
”What do I need to release in order to move on?”
Where is the path of peace in this particular situation?”
These are all a few questions that we ask when we DON’T know the answer and need a little prayer, little intuition, or a little prompting guidance - keeping in mind the answers always come to us like “of course, that’s the answer…why didn’t I see it before?”
If you want some of that guidance and trust me as a storyteller, then seek me out. I’ll be at the same place I always am - the campfire: ready to provide guidance and help you along your way.
In my next post, I will share the simple process to getting started. If you already think you have the idea - purchase today and I will tell you your story!
If you are a paid subscriber, I finally found something to gift you - a free story reading! - Contact me at for a free reading.